CropProphet (Third party software weather and yield analytics)

CropProphet offers a crop weather impact analytics and grain yield forecasting system focused on the United States, Argentina, and Brazil. It uses machine learning and historical data on weather and crops to predict the end-of-season government-reported yield in bushels per acre and total crop production for corn, soybeans, winter wheat, and spring wheat. CropProphet includes daily weather observations, weather forecasts, grain yield forecasts, and regularly updated USDA and non-US government-reported crop yield, production, and planting and harvested acres data.
Crop weather analytics is available for the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Australia, and Europe. Ukraine and the Black Sea regions will be added in 2024. Their blog provides a wealth of crop weather risk analytics relevant to grain trading markets based on the CropProphet data feed.
CropProphet provides services to hedge fund discretionary and systematic grain portfolio managers. It also supports agribusiness professionals, including grain merchandisers, physical grain traders, data analysts, risk managers, and data scientists. The service helps these professionals minimize crop price risk and maximize the value of weather-based trading opportunities.
CropProphet is developed by Prescient Weather Ltd, led by three Ph.D. meteorologists with extensive experience developing weather and climate analytic services.
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